Monday, April 18, 2016


"From Technology to Talk: Digital Resources for Deeper Classroom Conversations"

The first time I attended a webinar was on March 14, 2016. It was not until I attended Educational Media and Technology course at university that I knew what a webinar was. I was too shy to say that I didn't know what it meant, but it appeared to me that my classmates were not aware of it as well. It is an example of "seminars" that are done on the "web". Our teacher offered us links to visit and choose from different topics the one that catches us the most and register in its relative webinar.
The webinar I attended was hosted by Kevin Baird - Chairman of the Board at the nonprofit Ed Center: The Center for College and Career Readiness. More than 900 people registered for this webinar and 181 people were live on chat during the session.

The first thing Mr. Kevin talked about was Blended Learning which consists of blending technology and face to face learning with each other in the same classroom. This classroom is not necessarily a language class but could be science or math or any subject at school. The real blend occurs between technology and talk in other words. He also highlighted the importance of student-led conversation and not teacher-led (which are in a way similar to teacher centered and student centered learning)
Something that was relevant to my major in English was Reading Comprehension which was applicable in technology which make students hear language rather than only read it and thus increase their comprehension to the topic of the text. listening to the text makes it more realistic and makes students more familiar with the language accent.

Later, Mr. Kevin moved to the visual aspect in technology by introducing videos to students and have them discuss their topics in class through interactive conversations with teachers and students in order to deepen their thoughts and engage in being familiar with other people's thoughts and mentalities. These steps move us forward from our current teaching styles which are restricted in books only away from the listening and the visual aspects.

Separate courses at university during my undergraduate and my TD experience defined the topics that Mr. Kevin intended to include in a classroom. What was different was that all these aspects were blended in one session and applied by the teacher through using technology and modernized material.
This webinar was an addition to my knowledge about the contributions I am able to add in my future classroom and have it rich with all the skills that students are able to achieve.

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